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It's coming to the end......

Updated: Feb 1, 2019

On the 29th of January marks the day of big success!

Total number of words and pages for my research paper.

I have finally completed my research paper, and on time! It took a few sleepless night (just exaggerating, only late sleep) and determined heart to finish this research paper. It consists of 34 pages and it is a total of 9060 words, including appendices and references. It is a moderate length for a research paper.

What have I done?

I have completed the analysis of interviews and included my findings into the research paper. Afterwards, I introduced our proposed solution with detailed explanation of our idea. I also addressed the advantages this new system can give us, and also mentioned the disadvantages it causes us to have. I came out with a effective solution to solve the each problem, such as pilling of food, that we encountered for our idea. I added my thoughts on the future prospects of our solution, how it may become with better technology integrated into it, something that we are not capable to do so now. Then, I shared about the existing technology that are similar to our idea such as KouFu Eat application. This mobile application can allow customers to order food from their mobile devices as well, but this app received bad ratings due to several problems with the app. Therefore, in this section, I also did a simple comparison with the KouFu Eat app, and finally end of with a conclusion.

Here are the changes I have made from the previous table of content in my previous posts.

I am going to check through my paper and make a few amendments before I need to pass up tomorrow by 8:30 am tomorrow. See ya!

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