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Data Analytics in action

Updated: Jan 19, 2019

Ops...... My project has been delayed..... Can it be completed before the due date?

Picture of a stacked bar graph to find the busiest period during lunch and the availability of seats in food court

Second post after a few weeks of delay.

Sorry about that...... I have been busy with assignments and homework, thus this project was held up. Now that i am back, I hope I will make significant progress for this research project.

To begin with.......

Let's do a little recap, since I have not update for quite a while.

So...... As mentioned in the previous post, I have created the research timeline and explained that my friend and I wanted to do an automated food ordering canteen system. Therefore, to collect more data, we have put the survey forms online and we have conducted interviews with the store owners.

So, what's next?

According to the research timeline, the survey period is closed on 21 December 2018 and the data collected is ready to be analysed. I have collected a total of 50 survey forms, which is a little less from what I expected. Nevertheless, I will still continue to analyse the data at hand and hope to draw conclusions about the usability and popularity of our product. The interviews collected will also be analysed, though I haven't done it yet. However, I am pleased that I can show you snippets of the data analysis progress from the data collected in the surveys.

The graph above is one of my outcomes from analyzing the surveys. In the survey form, one of the questions asked is "What time do you usually have your lunch?" and the other question is "How often can you find seats?". From their responses, I have plotted a stacked bar chart with the time as the x-axis and the number of people as the y-axis, and represent the different responses about finding seats in different colours (shown in the legend of the graph). From the graph, you can see that the busiest timing for lunch is 12 pm to 1 pm, and 20 responders out of 50 stated that during 12 pm to 1 pm, they can never, seldom or sometimes find seats in the food court, which indicates that the food court is extremely crowded and they may have difficulty finding seats to have their meal. It seems that the result turns out to be similar to what I have expected it to be, thus I think this is a great start!

"Let's get cracking"

Even though I have achieved this graph, there is more to be done. The surveys are still undergoing analysis, and more graphs are coming up! The interviews also need to be examined to gain a better insight from the stall owners' point of view, and the research paper needs to be done too...... There is still so much things to do. Therefore, let's get cracking! :)

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